Do Kids Really Need Meditation?

access_time 2022-02-13T05:56:31.584Z face Darshan Bawa
Do Kids Really Need Meditation? I am asked this question time and again. Read on to find out convincing reasons why they do! 12th September 2021 When people ask me what I do, I tell them I run an orgainsation that teaches meditation to kids. This is often met with a surprised expression, followed by...

Tips to Build a Meditation Practice that Lasts!

access_time 2022-01-25T08:13:20.388Z face Darshan Bawa
Tips to Build a Meditation Practice that Lasts! Struggling to get your kids to meditate everyday? Try these easy and effective tips to establish a sustainable meditation practice with your little ones! 25th November 2022 We all struggle to keep up with new habits, even if they are good for us. And m...

How to Teach Meditation to Kids

access_time 2022-01-19T05:02:53.487Z face Darshan Bawa
How to Teach Meditation to Kids Struggling with getting your little ones to meditate? Try these easy and effective steps to not only get them to meditate, but have fun while doing it too! 15th August 2021 Meditation has nothing to do with concepts or thinking. Due to the emphasis on conceptual learn...

Top 5 Benefits of Meditation for Kids | BodhiShishu

access_time 1654366260000 face Darshan Bawa
Top 5 Benefits of Meditation for Kids Can kids benefit from meditation? The answer is, YES-immensely! Let's find out the the top 5 benefits of meditation for kids in this quick read! 16th January 2022 Meditation can be seen as the most fundamental life skill that can improve performance in most area...

How do you manage tough emotions?

access_time 2022-01-16T10:57:20.496Z face Darshan Bawa
How to Manage Tough Emotions? 10th November 2021 More often than not, life finds ways to surprise or shock us! An unexpected promotion, a severe illness, a surprise call from an old friend, or a disagreement with the boss. Either ways, happy or sad, excited or angry, we feel some emotions at almost ...
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