
access_time 2023-02-07T06:47:48.819Z face Darshan Bawa
20 ways to encourage active listening in kids Active listening is a fundamental part of communication, and it is essential for having fruitful exchanges with other people in order to achieve success. It is not sufficient to simply receive the information; one must also comprehend it and respond to ...

14 ways to help your child manage stress

lock Member-only access_time 2023-02-07T06:25:26.681Z face Darshan Bawa
14 ways to help kids manage stress Resetting is an important component of teaching children how to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Taking a break and resetting can be beneficial for kids for numerous reasons. It can recharge their batteries, alleviate stress and anxiety, and enhance their ove...

Do Kids Really Need Meditation?

access_time 2022-02-13T05:56:31.584Z face Darshan Bawa
Do Kids Really Need Meditation? I am asked this question time and again. Read on to find out convincing reasons why they do! 12th September 2021 When people ask me what I do, I tell them I run an orgainsation that teaches meditation to kids. This is often met with a surprised expression, followed by...

Top 5 Benefits of Meditation for Kids | BodhiShishu

access_time 1654366260000 face Darshan Bawa
Top 5 Benefits of Meditation for Kids Can kids benefit from meditation? The answer is, YES-immensely! Let's find out the the top 5 benefits of meditation for kids in this quick read! 16th January 2022 Meditation can be seen as the most fundamental life skill that can improve performance in most area...
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